My Year in Review: 2020 - The Year of Resilience

I know I’m showing up tardy to the party with this one, but in my opinion it’s never too late to reflect, celebrate, and get excited about what’s to come. 

So here it is - my 2020 review! And, whew...what a year, eh?!

Even though I started working at my copywriting business in 2019, last year was the first full year weaving word magic over here at Echo + Scribe.

There’ve been so many highs and lows up to this point, with a helluva lot of learnings (and unlearnings) thrown in.

The 3 main questions I’ve been thinking about are:

  • What went well and why?

  • What didn’t go so well and what did I learn?

  • What am I working towards in 2021 and how will I make it all happen?

Let’s get stuck in.


How 2020 started:

I started 2020 with a fire in my belly. With two completed copywriting courses under my belt, I felt so pumped about the new year and all the possibilities that lay before me.

  • I had just purchased my LLC (I bought it on Christmas Eve 2019) which made me feel “legit”. Even though, in reality, I had zero paying clients yet. I’d done copywriting work for friends and acquaintances to build my portfolio and to get a few testimonials, but hadn’t actually received any cold hard cash for my services yet. 

  • I was coming to the end of my first ever biz coaching journey with the uber talented Gemma Gilbert. (Who, funnily enough, got me motivated and inspired to write this annual review.) We started working together in July 2019 and I can’t sing Gemma’s praises enough. Having her guidance and support during the early days of E+S has been everything.

  • I was very slowly building up an online presence via Instagram mostly. No website yet, though!


What went well in 2020 and what did I learn?

Discovered the services I feel more aligned with. 

After writing mostly web copy all year, I feel pretty confident this is the area of copywriting I’d like to focus on. I love developing a brand’s voice and messaging, then seeing how it all comes together on the finished web page. Design and copy go hand-in-hand, so my collaborations with other talented creatives, like Ofir Design and Rebecca Sweet, have helped enormously when crafting copy that really makes an impact.


Found my rhythm.

Towards the end of the year - that’s when I really found a rhythm with my schedule. Implementing “Theme Days'' made a massive difference to how I approach my work. Having specific days dedicated to specific areas of business - client work, marketing, content - keeps me in flow, and I can accomplish a lot more. Also, with my daughter in daycare full time, I’ve had more time to focus on work. 


Launched my website.

In February 2020 went live! Yippee!


Read 8 badass biz books.

I read some awesomely inspiring biz books (plus a bunch of non-biz related books, too) since starting E+S. Reading is something that I’ve always loved, and I didn’t realise how much I missed it until I started reading regularly again.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert T. Kiyosaki

You Are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero

Get Rich, Lucky Bitch! - Denise Duffield-Thomas

The Middle Finger Project - Ash Ambirge

#GIRLBOSS - Sophia Amoroso

Everything is Figureoutable - Marie Forleo

Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - Mark Manson

High Performance Habits - Brendon Burchard


Started listening to podcasts on the reg.

Listening to podcasts has never been something I’ve felt drawn towards, but I finally decided to give them a fair chance in 2020, and my verdict? They make doing the dishes soooo much more enjoyable (and educational)!


My Top 3 Podcasts of 2020:

Steph Taylor’s Socialette

Amy Porterfield’s Online Marketing Made Easy 

Petria Leggo-Field’s The Sustainable Shift Podcast


Developed a morning routine.

Journaling most days and listening to my affirmations while walking the dogs - these are some of the things I’ve been more diligent about in the last year, and boy, do they make a difference. I definitely notice my mindset isn’t as strong on the days when I neglect my morning routine. It takes discipline, but it’s so worth it.


Built strong relationships with my clients. 

I feel super lucky to have worked with a bunch of amazing clients this year. Without them, E+S wouldn’t be E+S. Making the extra effort with clients goes a long way - for me, it’s led to deeper, more meaningful connections (i.e. clients who’ve become friends and collaborators); open, honest, and surprising conversations; and repeat work. It doesn’t get much better than that.


Stepped up my social media game.

Finally getting consistent with my social media has been a game changer. Posting regularly and engaging with my followers on Instagram feels good. I’m also getting better at figuring out what to post and what my audience wants. I started using Pinterest, too, which works unbelievably well for driving traffic to my website, but I have to be more consistent with it.
Showed my email list some love.

When I started emailing my list regularly in the summer of 2020 I finally felt truly engaged with my audience. Email is such a personal way to communicate with your community, and I’ve loved being welcomed into my readers’ inboxes. Like anything, it’s been challenging at times to stay consistent, but I can see (and feel) the difference in my business when I make the effort to send value-packed or entertaining emails each week.


Invested in my first paid ads.

At the end of 2020 I invested in FB/IG ads with the initial intention of launching and selling a new digital product. But I had to shelve the digital product idea because it felt too overwhelming to try to get everything done in the final few months of my pregnancy. Instead, the ad focus was on growth. This was hugely successful and I grew my list by 500+ subscribers in less than 3 months, thanks to the fabulous Laura over at Chameleon Social. I now have to continue nurturing my peeps and warm them up so they’re ready to take the next step with me when I finally launch my new digital this space!


Made my first hire.

I took all of December and the beginning of January off to help prep for bébé’s arrival and then enjoy some quality time with him. So, I needed someone to help me stay engaged with my audience - enter Davey The Eco Helper! (And Daphnah, too!) I’m so pleased I took the plunge and finally hired a VA. Hopefully 2021 will be the year I’m able to hire full-time VA help from the awesome Davey & Daphnah.


Got uncomfortable. 

There were a few times this year that I felt really, really uncomfortable. But in the end, all that discomfort paid off. Because as you know, you stop being afraid of the thing as soon as you actually do the bloody thing. This is exactly what happened to me when I delivered 2 trainings on copywriting - one to a client and her team, the other at the Ecopreneur Summit of 2020. Both times felt scary as fuck, but I made it through and didn’t die. So... I think there may be more trainings and workshops in my future...


Started my blog. Finally.

After months of putting it off, I started blogging in April 2020. This was a huge milestone for me and I feel much more excited about creating future content now that I’ve begun. There are so many exciting topics I want to cover, and I also want to continue with my interview series “Badass Folx in Biz” because I’ve met soooo many truly badass humans since starting E+S.


Began to heal my relationship with money.

2020 was the year I took a hard look at my money mindset - I read a bunch about money blocks and cleared a lot of shit that had been weighing me down for years. My guilt. My shame. My deservingness. (There’s a whole other story there, but I think I’ll save it for a separate blog post.) My biggest money win - I started earning my own money, MY WAY! - which feels damn amazing, in and of itself. Even though, on average, I was not making the kind of money I need or want to be making, I now believe deep down that I can and eventually will, and that feels fabulous! ABUNDANCE MINDSET FTW!


Joined some kick ass communities and made lasting connections.

I feel incredibly grateful for all the amazing connections I’ve made this year! Without the awesome communities I’ve become involved with, running my business would have felt unbelievably lonely at times. And I wouldn’t have been given as many opportunities as I have had it not been for the inspiring people I’ve (virtually) met. Shoutout to the fabulous mavens of Maven Collective, all the mamas from Mummy’s Got Clients and Mummy’s Got Clients VIP, and finally, all my fellow ecopreneurs in the Coco Rose Eco Community and The Ecopreneur Community!


Brought a new human into the world!

Yep. I popped out a fresh new babe on December 14th. Not to mention the 40 weeks of 2020 I spent growing him. I think that’s worth giving myself a pat on the back, for damn sure!


I gave back. 

I set up recurring donations to National Bail Out, and made one-time donations to several other organizations. I also started my own grove via Trees for Life!


Started a new lifelong journey.

2020 was heavy for many reasons. And just because 2020 is finally behind us, there are important lessons we must not and cannot ignore. I know I still have so much still to learn and unlearn regarding my own complicity as an able-bodied cis white woman living in an systemically racist, patriarchal, unjust world. I know my antiracist education is never ending, and I commit to continuing to examine my own biases and behaviour - both in how I run my business, as well as how I show up everywhere else in my life. 


What didn’t go so well & what did I learn?

Some things need to end in order to begin again.

It’s impossible for me to talk about 2020 without mentioning one of the biggest personal events that took place - separating from my partner while pregnant with baby number two. Of course, there has been heartache and many, many sob-filled days and soggy pillows. But I also realise how damn strong I am and what I’m truly capable of. If I can make it through a year like 2020 while heartbroken and pregnant, then I can probably do just about anything. Update: Baby daddy and I are trying heal and work shit out...time will tell.


It’s all about balance.

For the first half of the year, I remember feeling completely unorganised and all over the place - like I never had enough time to do everything I felt I needed to do. Now, I accept that I can only do so much. I have to be more realistic with what I can achieve in a week, so I’m not stressing myself out as much or as often (!). I also recognise that taking on large projects when going through big personal shifts isn’t the best idea.


Staying disciplined.

If I didn’t read some of my book or journal or listen to my affirmations for a few days I definitely noticed a shift in my productivity and motivation. Sticking with my morning routine and good habits makes allll the difference.


I need to level up my marketing strategies.

I’m still super duper camera shy. I thought I’d get out from behind the screen much more in 2020, but alas, no.


You can’t hit what you don’t aim at.

I didn’t make clear revenue goals, so I didn’t have a concrete number to aim for. No bueno, ma cherie.


Don’t ignore your intuition (she’s never wrong).

Although the majority of my clients have been freakin’ ahhh-muuuh-zing, I did get thrown some put it politely. These experiences taught me so much, though. I learned that just because a client looks good on paper, that is no guarantee they’ll be a good fit when you start working together. I really wish I had listened to my intuition on one particular project, but sometimes your brain can talk you into believing “oh, everything will be fine!” when in reality, it won’t. Lesson learned. 

I also recognise my own shortfalls this year, and have since stepped up my game - so I’m 100% committed to continuing to develop my knowledge, skills, and expertise as a copywriter and business owner. Also, note to self (and to anyone else who may need to hear this): never take criticism personally. Clients don’t always know what they actually want. And what sucks even more - some have no clue how to talk to other humans in a kind way. And that is absolutely not your fault.


What am I working towards in 2021 and how will I get there?

Earn consistent $5K+ months.

I’ll do this by... 

...prioritizing lead generation. Sales-wise I know I need to generate more leads and have more discovery calls in order to a) feel more confident selling, and b) increase my conversion rate. Because the more calls I have, the more likely I’ll get more people saying “HELL YES! I WANT TO WORK WITH YOU!”, which is, of course, what I’m aiming for. I want to set up some referral partnerships with other (non-competing) copywriters and creatives I admire so I can build up client prospects that way, too.

...launching a digital product/exploring alternative revenue streams. Something I didn’t do in 2020, but wanted to. Can’t wait to nail down a few solid ideas, take a risk, and see what results I get.

...raising my prices. Because I’m worth it.


Nurture and grow my audience.

I’ll do this by... 

...getting involved in more podcasts, trainings, workshops so I can reach more people and have more awesome events and opportunities to write about!

...sticking to my content pillars and planning ahead so I never feel like I don’t know what to write or post about and I’m not scrambling to write last-minute content.

...taking the time to improve the SEO on my own website.

...staying consistent with marketing - with a continued focus on instagram and Pinterest



I’ll do this by... 

...implementing a CRM like Dubsado to make my life easier, and so I can look way more professional.

...switching ESPs (Email Service Providers) from Mailchimp to ConvertKit.


Get out of my own damn way.

I’ll do this by... 

...taking big, bold, scary action like doing IGTV lives, guest lives, regular stories where I actually show my face (!), podcasts, live trainings, workshops. These are the things that are going to get easier over time, help to build my confidence, increase my visibility, and ultimately position me as the badass copywriting expert that I know am!


Take care of ME.

I’ll do this by... 

...listening to my intuition - it never lies.

...getting back into a regular exercise routine. Post-birth, I’m taking it slow and being gentle with myself, but I’m looking forward to gradually incorporating more workouts into my week. Also, I’m excited to be able to go for longer walks without constantly needing to stop to pee!
...putting my emotional and mental health first. I’m looking for a new therapist I really vibe with. Also being sure to make the time for the things that feed my soul - my artwork, playing with my kids, being in nature - because otherwise I’m not truly living.


Keep loving our planet and the people in it. 

I’ll do this by... 

...joining 1% for the planet. I still have to do more research into this, so if any biz owners reading this have any tips for me on how to get involved, send me a message!
...planting more trees in my ECHO + SCRIBE grove in the Scottish Highlands.

...completing Glo Atanmo’s 30 Days & 30 Ways to Be A Better Ally and not stopping after 30 days. Committing to continuing this inner and outer work for the rest of my life, because it will never end. 

...using my voice to raise awareness about the issues that matter. Here’s to having more uncomfortable conversations, speaking out, and taking action over trying to do anything perfectly.

...continuing to give what I can. I’ve set up a new recurring monthly donation to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, and hope to be in the position to give more to other organizations later in the year.


Investments I’d like to make for my business in 2021:

  • Hire a new biz coach to support me while I scale and develop my business, help me strengthen my mindset, and hold me accountable.

  • Work with a financial advisor to get my moola in order.

  • Buy a standing desk.


Last year’s theme:

2020 - The Year of Resilience


This year’s theme:

2021 - The Year of Growth and Abundance


Final thoughts:

It’s been one tumultuous frickin’ year, eh? For the whole planet. My personal struggles this year have given me a lot of insight into what I’m capable of and how strong I can be. 

Two years ago... I wouldn’t have even imagined I’d be where I am now. I had no clue what direction I was going in… I definitely felt “stuck” and unsure of how to move forward with my life in a way that would actually excite me and be sustainable. I didn’t even know what copywriting was per se...I just knew I’d watched Peggy Olson kick ass in Mad Men and thought she was pretty cool.

A year ago... I was starting to piece my business together and learning and preparing for my first paid clients.

And now... I finally feel I’ve established myself and my brand (I have a looooong way to go and there are always improvements to be made, but yes, generally, Echo + Scribe is here. I’ve arrived. And I feel damn excited about what’s to come!


The Power of Collaboration on The Sustainable Shift Podcast


Badass Folx in Biz - Davey McConnell | The Eco Helper