10 Benefits of Hiring the Right Copywriter (vs Doing it Yourself)

If you’re wondering whether you should hand over your cash-money and invest in a pro copywriter’s word-weaving skills, or tackle your copy yourself - this post is for you.

Remember - when it comes to hiring the right copywriter for you, your business, and your project(s), it’s key to remember not all copywriters are the same. 

Each of us word nerds has different specialities, experiences, and fave topics or types of businesses we love to write for. 

We’re as varied as Moira Rose’s wig collection. 

So the benefits listed below might be different from one copywriter to the next.


What exactly does a professional copywriter do?

Launching a sweet new offer or a kick-ass product but have no clue how to craft a compelling, click-worthy sales page?

Dreaming about getting your website to work round-the-clock as your best online sales rep?

Wish your emails made it easy for your subscribers to whip out their wallets and become raving fans for life? 

A (badass) copywriter can help you with all this - and more.

Remember, a pro copywriter’s primary role is to weave words that sell.

So, unlike content writers, who are focused on establishing connection with their words, a copywriter’s main objective is to drive some kind of action after that connection has been created.

And because your average visitor is only reading about 20% of any given page, you want every word of your copy working to keep their attention.

Keep reading to better understand the benefits of hiring the right copywriter, so you can make the best decision for you.


The Biggest Benefits of Hiring the Right Copywriter


Benefit #1. Strategic & Creative Thinking

Like Moira and Johnny Rose, a copywriter’s brain is the best of both worlds. On one hand, you have the business-savvy, let’s-turn-this-rundown-copy-into-something-spectacular half of the equation. Because a copywriter knows how to organize, plan, and articulate the most important elements of your message so when your dreamies read your copy, it feels like walking into a freshly-linened motel room. Not only that, but the right copywriter also knows how to add flashes of your personality to the word mix - because they know when your uniqueness is given space to sing, you’re going to attract more of your dream people, bébé.


Benefit #2. Hiring a Copywriter Can Be an Asset to Your Marketing Strategy


They say not all marketers know how to write copy, but all copywriters should know how to market. The right copywriter for you will consider how your copy needs to be tweaked to perform at its best across the different marketing channels you use. They’ll keep in mind how the copy they’re producing fits into your overall marketing and messaging strategy, so wherever your dreamies are finding you, your words are working their magic. They’ll know how to adjust your copy and/or brand voice so it suits the different audiences you may be talking to on different platforms, too. If your copywriter doesn’t ask about your marketing efforts when you hire them, it’s a red flag!


Benefit #3. A Copywriter Knows How to Write Words That Sell


I mean, this sounds pretty obvious, right? Well, it’s one thing knowing how to string a few catchy sentences together. But it’s a whole other skill crafting copy that converts your onlookers into I-want-what-you’re-selling-here-take-my-money fans. You want your words to work for you. And the right copywriter will know how to effectively use every inch of digital space available. So your message becomes so eye-catchingly good, fluff-free, and compelling that your dreamies squeal ‘YES, PLEASE!’ with ease - because they feel and know in their bones what you’re offering is meant for them.


Benefit #4. A Copywriter Knows How to Nail Your Voice, Tone, and Intent


What you have to say as a biz owner, as a human, matters. And so when you find a copywriter who can write about all the amazeballs stuff you’re doing in a way that SOUNDS JUST LIKE YOU… well, keep ‘em close. And sometimes, when you start working with a copywriter, something magical happens. (Ok, a lot of magic can happen.) But specifically this - the right copywriter can pull out bits of your voice, your you-ness, in ways you may never have witnessed on paper before. Because writing for yourself is really freakin’ hard, amirite? When you harness your voice, tone, and intent of your words, and imbue all that into powerful, unforgettable copy, your dreamies are going to recognize, rave about, and buy from you - over, and over again.

By the way, if you don’t have the budget for full done-for-you-copywriting just yet, copy coaching or a strategy sesh could serve you well. It might take you longer to get your copy polished, but you’ll be saving yourself some big bucks and learning some hot new skills, to boot!


Benefit #5. A Copywriter Can Guide You On How Best to Present Your Copy


They say presentation is everything. It’s certainly a big chunk of the copywriting pie. Speaking of big chunks… a good copywriter will help you make your copy easy to digest. ‘Cause if you’re greeting them with huge walls of text on your sales page or emails or website copy, they’re going to cruise on up to click that ‘X’ tab mighty quickly. The right copywriter also has the right connections. Web and brand designers who know how to make visual magic with your newly copywritten words mean you’ll never have to worry about your dreamies getting turned off by clunky, less-than-swoon-worthy design. Invest in both. (Ask me about my own crew of collaborative creative partners.)


Benefit #6. The Right Copywriter Can Sweep Your Copy for Sleaze


False scarcity. Shame. Guilt. Fear. Manipulation. Ewww, David. 

There’s a bevvy of well-known but vomit-inducing bro-marketing tactics that may have worked once upon a #BossBabe. But in 2023, your dreamies know (and deserve) better. Your copy can sell without the sleaze - but you’ve got to have the right copywriter on board to make it happen. As the badass biz owner you are, you can use your words for good - without sacrificing impact or personality. Love that journey for you!


Benefit #7. The Right Copywriter Can Sweep Your Copy For Inclusive Language


There are a ton of words we’ve all grown accustomed to using - especially in the online biz space - that aren’t so groovy for everyone. We’re not talking about perfection here. Chances are, you - or your copywriter - may still slip up. (We’re only human, after all.) But what is important is bringing more awareness whenever you write. For example, instead of saying, “Do you feel paralyzed by overthinking whenever you open Instagram to record a Reel?”, try “Do you feel frozen by overthinking…etc”. Considerate shifts like these make your copy more inclusive. Get yourself a copywriter who’s on board with helping you make positive changes to better serve all your potential dreamies.


Benefit #8. A Copywriter Can Help You Sound More Human


No shame if you’ve fled the corporate machine but your verbiage still slips back into the familiar-yet-boring-AF “I hope this finds you well”s and “let’s circle back Monday”s. Cutting the corporate speak that keeps creeping back into your copy like that ex who just won’t take no for an answer can feel a heck of a lot smoother when you have the help of a bloody good copywriter. They’ll know how to slash your jargon-laced sentences down to size so what’s left is only the juiciest need-to-know info. Your dreamies will thank you when they don’t have to wade through paragraphs of “optimized solutions” and “transformative outcomes”, but instead get to know the real you behind the words. 


Benefit #9. A Copywriter Focuses on What Your Dreamies Want & Need

When you’re in the thick of biz-owning entrepreneurship, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind and lose sight of what your dream people actually want. Yes, what YOU want as Big Boss In Charge matters, of course, but it’s always good to get an outside perspective. The right copywriter can help keep your eyes open to fresh opportunities and will notice new ways of connecting to you dreamies through the power of words. A copywriter will do a ton of research - they can even interview some of your past clients or customers - so they deeply understand what your community wants and needs, knowing exactly how to communicate why what you’re offering is for them.


Benefit #10. Saves You Time

Yup. It’s true. If you’ve been struggling to get your words “out there” in a way that feels good and true to you - your brand, mission, and values - hiring a copywriter is going to save you a ton of time & energy. They know how to craft head-turning, wallet-quivering words quickly because they write all. damn. day. But there’s some nuance here, friend. If you don’t have the budget for full done-for-you-copywriting just yet, copy coaching or a strategy sesh could serve you well. It might take you longer to get your copy polished, but you’ll be saving yourself some big bucks and learning some hot new skills, to boot!


By now you know you could totally write your own copy. But ask yourself - is this how my time and energy are best spent? As the Big Boss you might be positively bedeviled with meetings et cetera. Or maybe you’d rather be watching reruns of your fave tv show, kicking back with a fresca, while your pro copywriter weaves money-making words into your website, emails, ad copy, sales page, or product descriptions?

I know which one I’d prefer.

Ready to get your copy slaying harder than every outfit Moira Rose has ever worn?

Let’s chat, bébé.

Hey, there! If we haven’t met, I’m Robyn LeRoy-Evans - the Boss Word Weaver at Echo + Scribe. I’m a copywriter and mentor for badass folks with big hearts looking to do good in the world with game-changing products or services.

Let’s stay connected:

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  • Awesome copy tips you won’t see on my feed… or more in-depth breakdowns of what I share over here on the ‘Gram

  • True-life crime stories about my other life as a secret agent. JK. My life is not that exciting, but I *do* share some entertaining stories about my life and occasionally connect them to biz, however haphazardly

  • Organizations, events, and causes I believe in and wanna shout about

  • First word on new offers, early-bird pricing, and other biz-related bits and bobs you might be interested in

  • Buffy. #SorryNotSorry. There will always be Buffy.

And when you sign up you get my cute lil’ freebie all about ‘How to Write True-to-You Website Words That Sell’. Subscribe here.

Wanna get straight to the chin-wagging? Say hi at robyn@echoandscribe.com or send me a DM.

‘Til next time, friend!


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